I am the Academic Program Officer for the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal. I am also an assistant editor for VoegelinView, an online arts and humanities journal, and the humanities editor for The University Bookman, a book review journal published by the Kirk Center.
Before joining the Russell Kirk Center, I was an administrator and teacher for newly formed classical schools. In particular, I worked as a Dean of Academics and Dean of Students. I also taught several Integrated Humanities courses using the Great Books, as well as a high school course based on Russell Kirk’s The Roots of American Order. I have received a Richard M. Weaver Fellowship from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
I am pursuing a PhD in the Humanities (history focus) from Faulkner University. I am currently writing my dissertation on Russell Kirk’s defense of liberal education and the significance of his educational writings. I received a BA in History with minors in political economy and religious studies from the College of Idaho, as well as an MA in Philosophy from Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary. My undergraduate thesis related to intellectual conservatism in America, and my graduate thesis related to the philosophical poetry of Dante.
In my writing, I address topics related to cultural conservatism, liberal education, the humanities, and Western civilization. I have written on these topics in outlets like Pietas, The Imaginative Conservative, Dappled Things, Catholic World Report, The Homiletic and Pastoral Review, and VoegelinView.
This website was primarily made to store my published writing. As you read, I hope you will find something useful or thought-provoking. You can connect me on LinkedIn or Twitter @darrellfalconbu.
— Darrell Falconburg