

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Russell Kirk on the Moral Imagination and Literary Studies.” Pietas: A Journal of Tradition, Place, and Things Divine 2, no. 1 (Spring 2023), 51-74.

Book Reviews

Why We Need the Liberal Arts: A Review of The Liberating Arts (Plough Publishing House, 2023).” VoegelinView (October 8, 2023)

In Defense of the Classics: A Review of Paul Krause’s Finding Arcadia (Academica Press, 2023).” VoegelinView (September 3, 2023)

Civilization is Slow Hard Work: A Review of Lee Oser’s Old Enemies (Senex Press, 2022).” VoegelinView (November 13, 2022)

Web-Based Articles

Irving Babbitt’s Defense of the Humanities.The University Bookman (December 29, 2024)

Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind for the Rising Generation.” The Imaginative Conservative (November 24, 2023)

Rediscovering Theodor Haecker: Virgil, Father of the West.” VoegelinView (February 3, 2023)

The Priority of Culture: Russell Kirk’s Concise Guide to Conservatism.” VoegelinView (August 1, 2022)

Dante’s Transformed Love: The Poet’s Love for Beatrice.” The Imaginative Conservative (September 6, 2021)

Flannery O’Connor on Sin and Political Reform.”The Imaginative Conservative (August 15, 2021)

Taking a Walk with Fr. James Schall, S.J.” Catholic World Report (July 25, 2021)

Dante and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Faith and Reason.” The Homiletic & Pastoral Review (July 15, 2021)

Russell Kirk and Flannery O’Connor on the Spiritual Foundation of Political Reform.VoegelinView  (June 28, 2021)

Follow the Gaze: Beatrice’s Eyes and Beauty in Dante’s Divine Comedy.” VoegelinView (December 22, 2020)

Ideas Still Have Consequences: Richard Weaver on Nominalism and Relativism.” The Imaginative Conservative (December 6, 2020)

Revisiting Robert Nisbet’s Conservative Classic.” The Imaginative Conservative (October 9, 2020)

Who Reads Robert Nisbet Anymore?” The Imaginative Conservative (August 15, 2017)

Blog Posts

The Way of Beauty in Dante.” Dappled Things Blog (September 15, 2020)